Vintage Patent Leather Handbags
Sophisticated high gloss VINTAGE Patent Handbags.
The process originated with the high laquering of leather, called Japanning. In more modern times, Seth Boyden is credited for perfecting the process of creating patent leather in 1818, thus called because the process once was patented. . Back then, a linseed coating was bonded to the leather to create a high gloass finish. Today, its typically a petroluem product that is bonded. This is not to be confused with poromeric imitation leather Poromeric Imitation Leather is what a lot of folks refer to as "patent leather" when actually it isn't. It has a high glossy finish and is a petroleum product or a vinyl. Because of the material, color can be more consistent in the manufacturing process and a greater flexibility produces every color of the rainbow and then some. The vinyl is typically backed with polyester. The first poromeric leather was released in 1964. It was easily cleanable, but stiff and not breathable, which made it ideal for structured handbags, but not so ideal for shoes. DuPont ceased producing of it in 1971. There are other patented names of glossy substitutes such as Clarino from Japan. PVC. Actually, PVC is polyvinyl chloride. Its an ingredient in what makes "PVC vinyl" but not the end product. As this is the common term in clothing and accessories and not a chemistry lesson, we will go with "PVC." PVC vinyl used in handbags, belts, and other accessories. It is much more flexible than poromerics, thus making it more versatile and more practical for some uses. It is commonly used in accessories, such as belts, trim, some handbags such as tote bags, aprons, and some raingear.
Every decade Patent Handbags make a gigantic comeback. Patent is smart and fashionable to carry. A Patent Handbag makes any outfit come alive!
Most vintage patent have very light scratches visible only if held at a certain angle under strong light.