This post has been a long time in coming, I don’t own a lot of purses because I want the ones I do have to be good quality and to last a while. I used to buy really inexpensive purses, but after having to replace them multiple times a year I decided that I would invest in a real leather purse so that it would hold up better. So, to the clearance section of the Coach outlet store I went. I found this green purse, and I used it exclusively for over 2 years. The only thing that started to wear out was the edging on the strap which I would say shows the good quality. Then came the biggest problem of all, what ist that edging stuff made out of? ?
How come NO ONE has a tutorial on how to fix it?! I literally searched the most random websites trying to figure this out. I eventually found places that would replace the straps but couldn’t guarantee the color matching, and they charged over $100 which is how much I paid in the first place. So, I just kept wearing the purse like that and searching.
Eventually, I found a leather company that had a few products that looked promising and so I decided to give it a try since it couldn’t make my purse any worse than it already was.
So first I took my purse out of storage since Grant got me a new one for Christmas.
Next you can see how it was starting to get frayed; I would say this wasn’t bad enough to not still use the purse, but it really was starting to get on my nerves.
Here you can see how cracked and chipped the edging looks. The edging on leather or Faux leather purses can be all sorts of colors, but the two I found available for purchase were the black and brown. Mine is brown as you can see, and my new purse also has the brown edging which is nice if the edging on that one even starts to come off eventually.
So, the edging product I found is called Edge Kote, and I bought mine from Amazon which cost me including shipping and tax $9.92, but there are also leather suppliers who carry it.