The Phonster is a body holster where you can store your smart phone, wallet, or keys and look totally bad-ass as you take them out or put them away. Similar to how a detective holsters his guns, the Phonster allows you to freely hold your belongings without the clutter of jamming everything into your pocket and will hopefully lessen the amount of bulges currently protruding through your pants. No longer will you have to struggle to get your phone out of your pocket while you're sitting down with your beer gut flapped over your belt and pants, the Phonster places your phone and other belongings near your chest within easy reach wherever and however you're sitting. Plus, say goodbye to wearing a backpack, man purse, or fanny pack ever again.
Made by AGE, a company that makes bearded hipster -esque products such as wooden bow ties, suspenders, and bracelets, the Phonster phone holder is made from 100% leather, and uses adjustable straps that allow for one-size fits all. Plus the shoulder harness allows for holsters on both sides of you so that you can have your phone on one side and your wallet on the other.
The Phonster is currently in a funding phase on Kickstarter with an estimated delivery date of December 2015, so go reserve yours now, or get more information on their website, and be sure to check out the phone holster in action via the video below.
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