When it comes to handbags, there is no such thing as too large. A Gucci tote has enough room to hold your clothes for a girl's weekend, or towels and other essentials for a day at the beach. Their spacious design is the perfect choice for busy moms who need to carry snacks, wipes, and extra clothes for their little ones. Head to the mall with a Gucci shopper tote that can carry all of your purchases, leaving your hands free. Simple leather designs with gold accents blend with any outfit, while bold red totes featuring the Gucci logo stand out. Some bags have inside pockets to keep your keys, cell phone, and lipstick within easy reach. For a unique touch, choose a Gucci bamboo tote that features bamboo handles. Look for a soft suede bag in a neutral shade for everyday use, and save your bright funky bag for special occasions. Vintage totes feature classic patterns and colors you can wear with anything. Find a Gucci tote in the large inventory on eBay. Pack your bag before heading out the door for a day trip to the park or the lake, and rest easy knowing you have everything you need in one convenient bag.