The leather folding change purses are a popular design that we make. This is not our design but has been an old stand by favorite that many people love but find hard to get. We continue to make the folding coin purses in two sizes. Most people in the United States tend to buy the smaller size while people in Canada sometimes like the larger size because of all the dollar (loonie) and two dollar (toonies) coins we carry.
Our soft zippered leather coin purse is one of my favorites for carrying a bunch of loose coins. Made of a soft garment leather, it fits comfortably in the pocket. Made with a steel zipper you can be assured it will last a very long time.
An interesting design is that of our triangular coin purse. It has a snapped flap on each side that can access the inside pocket. Therefore you never have to flip it over as it can open from either side.
Our specialty is personalized wallets. We can imprint your initials in the corner in an natural undyed colour or dyed in the same color as the leather wallet. The wallet exterior is made of cowhide and the interior is made of goat skin.
The traditional trucker wallet continues to be made at our custom leather shop. This long wallet has an interior zipper and lots of pockets. We also make a shorter version called the biker's wallet. A proper length chain secures the wallet to your belt.
Other styles of belt pouches are made for carrying necessities securely on your belt without wearing a cumbersom purse for outings. The belt loops on the back are securely sewn and riveted so you can be assured your contents will not be lost with the pouch.
Believe it or not but there are still areas that have home milk delivery. We make the traditonal milkman's pouch which can be personalized with your initials. An industrial snap closure is used on the flap. A very wide belt loop is sewn and riveted for strength. Because of the weight of contents sometimes found in this case, we sew the gusset to the main body with harness thread on our harness stitcher sewing machine.