Easy elegance is only a handbag away! With QVC's classic collection of designer purses from Dooney & Bourke, impeccable crossbody, hobo, and satchel bags are only part of our sophisticated selection of leather handbags. Size up our mini bags as well, making their mark with a uniquely smaller shape. No matter your signature style, you're sure to find a design that complements your head-to-toe perfection.
First-class craftsmanship and enduring quality unite in all of these luxury looks. Polish off your ensemble with a timeless touch embedded in rich materials and close attention to detail. From croco, python, or snake-embossed stunners to pebble, patent, Florentine, or Dillen leathers, these sleek accents stand out in any season. Go ahead and break out of the norm and carry away lambskin, calf hair, or jacquard wonders, too. For your softer side, Dooney & Bourke bags also flaunt a coated-cotton appeal. And rest assured, the brand's durability shines in every design, including their nylon necessities.