As a general rule, backpacks are going to be seen as a bit more casual and are often used in more utilitarian occasions. Whereas messenger bags tend to be associated with briefcases and therefore are seen as a bit more formal and used in professional situations.
Another general rule is that messenger bags are looked as being a bit more style forward. However, there are several more styles of backpacks today that aren't your typical school backpack with that book bag look. If you are in college, you could kind of go either way. If you are hauling a lot of books, maybe you still want the functionality of a backpack. And if you want to look a bit more stylish and are carrying less, go for the messenger bag.
Bags come in all shapes and sizes, so how do you know which bag is best for you? In this episode of Style Tips for the Everyday Guy, Alison and Eric work through the considerations between backpacks and messenger bags for men.
Is a backpack or a messenger right for you? It depends.
As a general rule, backpacks are going to be seen as a bit more casual and are often used in more utilitarian occasions. Whereas messenger bags tend to be associated with briefcases and therefore are seen as a bit more formal and used in professional situations.
Another general rule is that messenger bags are looked as being a bit more style forward. However, there are several more styles of backpacks today that aren't your typical school backpack with that book bag look.
If you are in college, you could kind of go either way. If you are hauling a lot of books, maybe you still want the functionality of a backpack. And if you want to look a bit more stylish and are carrying less, go for the messenger bag.
You'll also want to consider the material of the bag. A leather messenger bag or a heavy canvas messenger or backpack are going to last you a long time. Since you could potentially use the bag every day, this is an item worth investing it - similar to shoes.
Video Transcript:
Eric: Backpack or messenger bag? How do I know which one is right for me? (buffer) Hey guys! Welcome back to Style Tips for the Everyday Guy by Cladwell.com, where you can get your free personal road map to dress better. I'm Eric.
Alison: I am Alison.
Eric: Today we're talking about backpacks versus messenger bags versus briefcases as well. We're going to walk through the differences between them and how to pick out which one's best for you.
We got a question from one of you guys, Austin B. wrote in and asked: what would you choose as a college student? A messenger bag or backpack? We're going to answer that question and we're going to kind of work through different scenarios in life as well, when it might be best. Allison start us off, just walk us through what are the differences between the different kind of men's bags you could have?
What are the differences between men's bags?
Alison: Backpacks as most people know, were originally created for functionality. Mostly for school or a carry all that will comfortably fit on your back. Originally the design of those really had nothing to do with style. I think today those are moving more into a style forward, like a trend.