Duffle bags are a common item for travelers when going out of town on vacation. For the traveling business person, leather duffel bags are the item of choice, as it is a convenient carry-on that doubles as an attractive item. However, with the plethora of bags to choose from, it can be difficult to come up with a decision. This is why we have come up with a list of the top five bags to choose from.
In order to narrow down the best leather duffle bags that are must buys, we have researched and analyzed what users find to be the most important features. Moreover, we have found what bags are the top of the line when it comes to durability, packing space, weight and ease of use, while also figuring out what bags gives a business traveler the best bang for their buck.
Leather duffle bags can be quite a luxury item. Most of them are over $100, with some even exceeding the $200 mark. Considering the pricey nature of these items, business travelers want something that is going to last. This is why the durability of a bag is widely regarded as one of the most important aspects when considering a purchase. How can one tell what is and is not sturdy? The rule of thumb is that the higher quality the leather, the longer it takes for the item to suffer from wear and tear, whether it is on the body, the straps or zipper.
Packing Space
When going on a trip, the more a leather duffel bag can fit, the better. One of the more common necessities customers are searching for in an ideal bag is the ability to fit an extra pair of shoes in the bottom. Another desired feature is multiple pockets to fit technological devices, books, gum, wallets, etc.
At the same time though, potential customers must be weary of a bag being too large. For instance, there are limits in terms of the size a bag can be for a carry on. To ensure that your bag can be used as a carry on, check airline restrictions before purchasing.